Thursday, May 7, 2009

Balls and Lavender

So, I'm sitting at home tonight....Becky and David are out jumping on the trampoline. David has a friend over, he is jumping too. Suddenly, the door swings open and someone enters amidst tears and sobs. Of course I immediately think broken bones, cracked open head, or paralyzation. I run to the's David. I don't see any blood and he is walking, well limping....whew, a sigh of relief. I ask him what happened. He says, "Becky threw a ball at my balls." (sob, sob, tears, meltdown).

I go outside and have the "boy's balls" talk with my daughter. Of course she feels he deserved it. He had thrown a ball at her....I have to explain that his balls are off limits during retaliation. I tell her that no matter WHAT he does to her, she IS NOT allowed to hit him in the balls. She, being 15, comes up with several reasons why it might be appropriate to hit him in the balls...she's 15 and good at it.

I leave that fun discussion and walk to my friend's porch. She is sitting on her swing with two large plants protruding from her nostrils....turns out her son and his friend are moving into her house for the summer....she is trying to find serenity through two lavender leaves that she has stuck up her nose. She hears my conversation and breaks me off two pieces of lavender. I shove them up my nose and we swing.

I sure hope it's a bumper crop of lavender this year...I have a feeling I'm going to need it.

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