Thursday, August 13, 2009

Too many nuts at work

So, today I am at work. It's getting around 10:00 am and I'm getting hungry. So I mosey on back to the stash of mixed nuts that we always have on hand in the back office. There are 4 opened cans of mixed nuts. I open can #1 - only thing left in there is a few peanuts. I open can #2 - only thing left is a half a can of peanuts. I open can #3 and it is full to the top guessed it, peanuts. I don't even have to open can #4 because the lid is off and there are only peanuts.

I go through each can, pushing peanuts aside with my finger....hoping to come across one little hazelnut or almond....anything but another peanut. Alas, there is one lonely little hazelnut hidden in the bottom of can #3. And the only reason it survived was because it was so small that it looked like a peanut.

I many peanuts do they put in each can compared to the other more popular nuts. It sure seems like they put 2 hazelnuts, 2 Brazil nuts, 3 almonds, 3 cashews, and 4 walnuts......and the rest of that 12 oz can is all peanuts. I wonder.....what if they put 50 hazelnuts, 25 Brazil nuts, 40 almonds, 30 cashews, 19 walnuts and 2 PEANUTS in there!!! Would everyone then think the peanuts are the special nut? Would everyone fight over the peanut? Is it the sheer volume of the peanuts found in the mix nuts what seems to make it so ordinary?

I know, I know....when it comes to nuts....I'm king.....but I have to wonder sometimes if I am just a little peanut....nothing special.....just one in a million in a can of case you are wondering, the nut can is my metaphor for my place of work. Oh......I long to be that one little hazelnut found in the bottom of the can!


  1. You are that special hazelnut...I, on the other hand, am one of the multitude of peanuts! Oh to be an almond : )

  2. Tammy!!! You are a Brazil Nut. You can't be a hazelnut hard as you try. But you are certainly NOT a peanut. :-)
