So, today I spent about 4 hours in the waiting room of an OB/GYN....I've got lots of material for the next few days.
First off, can I just ask this: "Why oh why do we have to have the OB and the GYN doctor combined?" Seriously, these young pregnant women sure as heck don't want to see me.....what they will look like some 20 years from now.
But for us 40 somethings....well, it was a fun day.
One of the highlights came when a very pregnant 20 something dropped her pen....I sat there and watched as she tried to bend over and maneuver around belly to get that pen. It took her a good six tries to finally grab that pen. Fun times.
I enjoyed people watching. There was the couple who walked into the waiting room with a newborn baby (I'd guess 6 weeks old) in tow. They both had that "we have a newborn in the house" look. You know, the running on no sleep, having no idea what to do with this screaming, eating, pooping little creature. The young mom looked totally know, that "crazy no sleep" look. The dad had that "not much sleep and no sex" look about him. I could tell he was anxious for his wife to get the 6 week followup appointment over and hear these words, "It's safe to have sex again." I could tell his wife had the "it might be 6 weeks, but there is no way in _ _ _ _ I am giving him sex" look. As a matter of fact, as they sat there waiting, he was fidgeting and anxious....he wanted to get back to the doctor as soon as possible.....she sat there, dead-dog tired, big bags under her eyes, breast feeding the baby....trying to burp her....and she just stared at her husband....that crazy-no-sleep look. I am going to watch the 11 o'clock news tonight to see if the doctor said yes or no to 6 week sex....I figure if the doctor said yes, I will see a homicide due to insanity on the news tonight.
I'll give some more highlights later.
Blogging again
9 years ago