Thursday, March 5, 2009

What does a year hold?

So, what does a year hold? You never know...

Today, March year ago today my little sister's bestest friend in the whole wide world turned sister LOVES her...and therefore I LOVE her...why? Because she loves my sister very well.

One year ago there was my sister's bestest friend in the whole wide world, whom I love, and her husband, just the two love birds...she was an exercise freak...i mean serious exercise...she ran outside...she ran inside...she ran and ran and ran every minute of the day and night...her ass was rock hard...she had a six pack...(I hated her.)

I am 5 years older than she is....I'm sure she looked at me and thought, "What a fat freak! Her ass is huge...her giant tits would drag on the ground if her big fat 6-pack gut didn't hold them up...." She was right., here we are one year later....I'm still a fat freak...big ass...tits dragging...but....

Today, my sister's bestest friend in the whole wide world, whom I love, turned 41...she still has her husband and now has two children...her ass is still rock hard and she still has a six pack (i still hate her)....but word on the street is that she is starting to maybe cut back on the running....why? Because she just can't find those 8 hours to run any more....she still grabs time whenever she can....but now instead of 8's 4 hours....that's how it starts....

So here is my warning to my sister's bestest friend in the whole wide world, whom I very's a slippery slope. It starts this way...instead of 8 hours, it is 4 hours....and then instead of 4 hours, it is 2 hours....and then instead of 2 hours, it is 1 hour....and then instead of 1 hour, it is 30 minutes...and then instead of 30 minutes, well, you cut your crapping time short so you can run and get on the treadmill before a kid finds you...and then, well, then you think that at least if you get your crapping time in...well...that is exerting energy and burning calories...and get to where you think about getting on the treadmill while you are crapping...and you feel really good that at least you thought about exercising today....

So dearest, bestest friend, who loves my sister very well and whom I love, have a very happy birthday...and enjoy those minutes on the treadmill...because before you know are stepping on your own titties and wondering where that sharp pain is coming from! Happy birthday girl!

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