So, it's been a very LONG, cold, hard winter here in Kentucky. I mean long and warmth....just cold and gray. BUT, I saw the sunshine.....and I heard birds sing.....and I smelled dirt.
That made me want to sit on my I sat on my front porch.....closed my eyes and listened to the birds sing. Before today, I was convinced that even the birds were depressed over the long seemed that they had forgotten their song. But they sang their songs loudly and I sat on the porch and listened to them.
I had forgotten how wonderful dirt smells....the earth....but today, I smelled the earth and it restored my hope.
I had forgotten how warm the sunshine it can seep into the very depths of my being....but today....I let it seep into my soul.
Yes, I sat on my porch and took the sounds and smells and warmth of the day was a very good day.....and I know that I can make it to spring now....I will keep humming the song of the birds until they can sing me awake every morning this spring.
Blogging again
9 years ago
So the glowing round orb in the sky that is warming us is called the sun??