Thursday, February 11, 2010

There's a hole in the bucket

So, I have been struggling to describe what I am feeling inside lately. I think that I would describe it as "empty."

Empty means lacking reality, substance, meaning or value; or having no purpose. Another word would be "vacuous" - meaning lacking contents that should be present.

What has caused this emptiness? Why am I lacking meaning and value? What contents should be present?

So, I begin to try to pour the contents that should be present back into me....I begin to find ways to pour meaning and value back into my life....


  1. You have lost some of the contents at work!

  2. you're empty because you poor into others. you poor into us kids. if nething ever happened to you we would run dry and be empty

  3. time to get a new bucket or better yet..take the ax and the stone to the well. wet the stone and sharpen the ax, cut the stick and fix the bucket..after all that walking and sharpening and fixing you wont feel so empty.
