So, last night I went to see the high school performance of Grease. It was wonderful! Of course, I am a wee bit biased, because my daughter is in the play. So, I want to brag on her a bit.
Way to go Becky! I am so proud of you! Why? There are a million reasons...but I'll try to focus and keep this succinct. You have broken the chains that BIND the women of our family. We, the women of our family, are strong behind the scenes, but we have no confidence at all when it comes to standing in the spotlight....even a small spotlight. In other words, we like to be behind the camera...but we feel we have NOTHING to offer in front of the camera. This comes from the fact that we think we are not intelligent enough, or pretty enough, or funny enough. We truly believe we have nothing to we are content to sit in the audience and applaud as others shine. BUT you have stopped that....last night you stood on the stage, with the spotlight on you and you shined! Way to go girl! I am so proud.
I heard the chains break and fall to the ground...and I knew at that moment, that the women in our family will be a force to be reckoned with in the future. Which is how life should be....each of us laying a foundation that the next generation can build parents did this for me....and I am HOPEFULLY doing this for my children, and so on and so on.
So here's to you Becky! Thank you for bravely breaking out of the shackles and chains that have bound us! Free at last!
Blogging again
9 years ago