Thursday, December 31, 2009

I yam what I yam

So, it's the end of I reflect back on my year, I see growth (I'm not talking about my waistline here...but it grew too)....but it's a very different kind of growth than my previous years.

I have spent my life trying to be like other people....trying to become more like ___ (fill in the blank). This past year something different has happened....I'm not trying to be anyone but me. I am now comfortable with who I am....but I want to continue to grow to be a better ME.

I think that comes with age....but I am so thankful for this time in my life....when I don't have to strive to be anyone but who I was created to be.


  1. Who you are is a wonderful person!

  2. LIKE THIS! Slowly, this is what growth really is. Returning to our true self and discarding all the false selves.

    You are quite a fabulous self my friend, horses not withstanding.
