So, I find that God teaches me lessons from my own mouth...that I tend to be the illustration....I guess He knows that I need a very personal illustration.
Yesterday Becky and I were driving out of a parking garage in Lexington. I had gotten our parking ticket validated in the doctor's office. Becky pulls up behind the car at the toll booth....it is a typical eastern Kentucky looking car....with a typical eastern Kentucky looking hillbilly....er....I mean gentleman.
Well, he hands his parking ticket to the attendee and the attendee says something to him, and the hillbilly....er....gentleman begins to scrounge around his front seat for coins.....to which I announce, "Nice....hey hillbilly....it's always helpful to have the money out BEFORE pulling up to the toll booth."
It's our turn now...Becky pulls up to the booth, I hand her the parking ticket and she hands it to the attendee. He says, "That will be 75 cents." I say, "It was validated." He says, "Yep, it was, and that means that you get to park here for 75 cents.".....
So, as I begin to scrounge around the front seat for coins.....I begin to laugh and say, "Hmmm.....now who's the hillbilly who didn't have her money ready." Becky chuckles and says, "I wondered if you would realize that."
Yep....God has a way of teaching me through my own stupidity.