So, here is an update on week 2 of my dog's diet. It's been a tough week on him....more growling over a bowl full of carrots....more barking at the treat door.....
But today...well today was a grand day for Graham. I had cooked a turkey with all the fixin's for lunch. I had put the grease and bones and fat from the turkey in the garbage bag....and I had pulled the bag out of the garbage can in the kitchen, and I set it on the floor to take it to the garbage can outside.
So, I got invited over to a friend's house for supper and quickly ran out of the house to be on time to supper. Yep....I forgot about the garbage bag on the kitchen floor.
Upon my return....I found my dog, laying in the midst of turkey drippings.....whiskers all greasy from the feast.....turkey breath.....and a very FULL belly. So much for this week's weigh-in.
Ahhhh...and I thought Benny was the only bad boy checking out the garbage bag. Not so, I guess big brother joined in the badness too :)