So, yesterday I took my Becky to take her driver's test. We had spent hours on the road preparing for this test. We had practiced and practiced and practice parallel parking....we had some weeping and gnashing of teeth....but Becky persevered with my excellent teaching ability and now it was time to test her skills (and my coaching).
We walked into a small cinder block building (dark, ominous music playing) looked like it was built in 1950 and was furnished that same year. There were 2 KY State Highway Patrol officers, one giving written tests and the other giving the driving test. Becky went up and gave them her paperwork and then she and one of the officers walked out to go to the car. I sat there and waited.
The door opened 10 minutes later and in walked the heart sank. That was too short of a time to be good news. I began to formulate my consoling remarks. Becky walked in, and she was aglow. She had passed.
I was so happy for her and yet so nervous....another child on the unforgiving Kentucky roads. This is one of those memorable moments...when the little bird flies out of the nest for the first time....and you can only sit and watch....and pray...
As she got into the Buick to drive to school all alone...I said the first of many of these types of prayers, "Lord, she is leaving my reach of protection and entering yours....please watch over her and keep her safe."
I am glad you have a's a tank!