So, it is the end of 2010. It's time for me to reflect on last year.
It was a good year....a hard year....but a good year.
My word for 2010 was "trust." I started the year with some simple, baby steps of "trusting" my Father. First there was the UK basketball tickets for my David, within one month of praying and trusting, David got to go to 2 UK games.
In April, I spent a day going on a spiritual retreat....a time of personal formation. It was profound for me....a deep, deep healing of my soul. It all centered around my word, "trust."
In May, Becky got her license, on the first try....way to go....she's a chip off the old block. As I watched her drive away all alone in a big Buick Lesabre, I had to trust my Father to protect her.
In August, my trust in God was put to the dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. It was a pain and hurt so deep that I could not verbalize it. It cut me to the re-opened some very real a single mom, I had to hide my fear and lean deep into Jesus. I had to find a strength that was not my own...I had to "trust."
In September, my dad was given the "all clear" of cancer. They had found it in stage 1, unheard of for lung affirmed.
In October, my Katie tore her ACL. Surgery up in Pennsylvania was knowledge of the doctor or peace.....Katie texts me with a name of a doctor at my church....a few emails and phone calls and I have his name and number and have spoken to him on the Father tells me to trust this doctor....we re-schedule surgery for Katie's Christmas break.
In November, I schedule a trip with my Becky to New York City to see Phantom of the Opera and to do the town. I find good prices on the flights, I find great seats at a good price for the Phantom, but I can not find a hotel, at least not in my price range. I pray about it....and God tells me to "trust" Him. It's one week before the trip and I still don't have a hotel room. A friend comes to see me, we are talking about the trip. She asks me where we are going to stay and I tell her that I haven't found a place yet. She recommends a hotel (it happens to be the hotel that I wanted to stay in but couldn't afford)......I tell her that I can't stay there. She asks if the rooms are all booked...I politely tell her that they have rooms, but they are not in my budget. She makes one phone call....she books Becky and I a room in that hotel....overlooking Times Square.....for two nights....on her. Trust in my kind Father.
Later in November, a friend and her husband invite my David and I down to see an LSU football seats.....tailgating in the Chancellor's Club. Trust in my kind Father.
In December, Katie came home and had surgery....the doctor from my angel for us....he was so sweet.....he prayed over Katie before surgery....he was a great surgeon.....and during the followup, Katie got an internship with this doctor for the help her with her new major. Trust in my kind Father.
It's been a good year....a year where I learned that I can TRUST my kind Father. He is worthy.